Make a Contribution Today

Now, more than ever, we need trusted leaders to take us into the future. Your financial contributions support OFL in uplifting progressive Black, Indigenous, and other people of color to enter public office and govern effectively across Oregon. Your donation will benefit Oregon Futures Lab (formerly known as Color PAC Action Fund.)

OFL is a 501(c)4 tax-exempt organization that may engage in legislative lobbying and certain political activities. 501(c)4 donations are the most flexible gifts for us that allow us to prioritize our most critical work. Donations to support OFL are not tax-deductible.

If you would like to support the movement for justice with a tax-deductible donation, please check out our sister organization, Oregon Futures Lab - Education Fund. Please note that this link will take you from a 501(c)4 website to a 501(c)3 website.